-- inserting data SELECT * FROM Species; .maxrows 8 INSERT INTO Species VALUES ('abcd', 'thing', 'scientific name', NULL); SELECT * FROM Species; -- you can explicitly label the columns INSERT INTO Species (Common_name, Scientific_name, Code, Relevance) VALUES ('thing 2', 'another scientific name', 'efgh', NULL); -- take advantage of default values INSERT INTO Species (Common_name, Code) VALUES ('thing 3', 'ijkl'); SELECT * FROM Species; .nullvalue -NULL- -- UPDATE and DELETE UPDATE Species SET Relevance = 'not sure yet' WHERE Relevance IS NULL; SELECT * FROM Species; DELETE FROM Species WHERE Relevance = 'not sure yet'; SELECT * FROM Species; -- safe delete practice #1 SELECT * FROM Species WHERE Relevance = 'Study species'; -- after confirming, then edit the statement DELETE FROM Species WHERE Relevance = 'Study species'; -- incomplete statement -- leave of "DELETE", then add it after visual confirmation DELETE FROM Species WHERE ....